
We strive for excellence to improve ourselves, transform services, enhance lives and advance society.

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Apax is a multi-award-winning, values-driven, non-profit social enterprise. We take a creative approach to providing exceptional assisted living and premium supported housing services for vulnerable adults who have experienced social exclusion and disadvantages, mental health, or homelessness. We work proactively with our partners to advance society in an impactful way and support our residents through their unique journey towards independent living and social cohesion.

Helping people to help themselves


New approaches are necessary to address the rapid rise in mental health cases. As we embrace the advantages of digitalisation, which results in a distinct agile ecosystem, we strive to adapt quickly and respond proficiently to evolving demands, thereby relieving pressure on our invaluable care system. Driven by a genuine desire to make a difference, we aim to rethink the dynamics of mental health services, reshape the landscape of supported housing, and develop creative solutions for challenges in the health and social care sector.

Our Resident Testimonials


I started my journey with Apax in 2017. When I first moved in I found it difficult to manage my mental health and struggled to cope with my anxiety and emotions. Over the past few years I’ve been getting my life back on track, attending activities and completing a cooking course and I am now able to cook my own meals. With the support of my key worker helping to set and achieve my goals has enabled me to become more confident and independent. I started volunteering at Lewisham food bank back in January 2020. I would like to thank all the staff at Apax for their support and helping me to achieve my goal. I am now one step closer to be moving on to live independently. Looking forward to the future.


I am proud I stepped down to lower support accommodation after a long journey that started in 2020. During these years, a lot of things happened to me, but I could manage because I was supported by Apax staff. It has been an incredible journey.


During my time I have been involved in many activities such as art group, women’s group which I led on numerous occasions, from socialising with friend over coffee morning and also cooking group which I thoroughly enjoyed. I have also won multiple awards for which I am grateful. I look forward to going back to university one day. I want to thank you all at Apax for the continued support in helping me manage my mental health and also helping me step down making it one step closer to achieving my goal of living independently.


I started my journey with Apax in 2018. Now I’m moving into my own flat and I’m ready to move forward with my life. I’ve had both good and bad times, but overall I got through and have come out the other side stronger. I am grateful to Apax for bringing me closer to my goals. I got on really well with my Recovery Coordinator and am happy with the support I received.


I moved to Apax in 2018. This journey has not always been easy but, I do thank God for supporting me through this journey that now comes to an end for me. Now it is time to start a new adventure in my own new home. During the time that I have been with Apax I have learned many lessons and I have participated in many activities, like the women’s group, where I was given the opportunity to lead some sessions and meet friends. During my time in Apax I also developed different areas of my life like going to college, church and working in different places. This is all thanks to the love, kindness, and the help to keep me confident and happy that I can achieve my goals and maintain my mental wellbeing stable. I have really enjoyed my time here, I consider everyone in Apax my second family.


I lived at Apax for around three years and my stay there was altogether very pleasant. Staff were courteous and benevolent. They had a good comprehension of my personal circumstances. I was responsible for ordering and taking my own medication and when it was time to move on my support worker helped me get a flat from the council. Apax provides suitable accommodation for its residents and is a good pathway to independent living in the community.


I lived at Apax for over four years. When I first moved in, I was very ill mentally and physically. Apax nurtured me, I attended the groups which helped me find the tools that l needed to cope with my schizophrenia. The staff were wonderful and felt like my family, they genuinely care. I felt nurtured and loved and at ease with myself for the first time in my life. The accommodation is wonderful and pristine. Make the most of your time at Apax because it will be over before you know it. It has made me the person I am today. I finally believe in myself: I am happy, confident and love myself and thanks to Apax. I am no longer ashamed of my illness and have no problem telling people about my it. This is all thanks to Apax. I shall be eternally grateful to Apax. God bless you all and stay safe and learn to accept yourself.


I have wanted to have a place of my own for the longest time. It is hard to imagine that my time has finally arrived through all my ups and downs, but I finally have a place of my own. I remember meeting my support worker who told me about the Independent Move on scheme.I created a plan with my support worker which I could follow to get ready for my move on. I went from getting take away meals all the time to cooking meals for myself. Growing more and more confident I could live on my own as I was regularly saving money now.After a few months of filling in the move on form and completing the process, I was allocated a lovely one-bedroom property. I am grateful to Apax for the support I have received over the years and look forward to the future with brighter hope.


I moved into Apax in March 2016 when I was made homeless. At that time I had never lived independently so I found the process quite difficult to begin with. However, with the support of the staff at Apax I learnt how to start setting goals that would eventually help to move out of supported housing and live on my own. The first thing that I started doing was cooking for myself. Then I started getting into routine by volunteering. The next step that I took was to start budgeting my money. This was especially important since I was asked to move on. Eventually, I was nominated for a council flat and all that saving helped me furnish my flat. I am now living on my own with my new-born son. Thank you to everyone at Apax!


I moved into Apax in March 2016 when I was made homeless. At that time I had never lived independently so I found the process quite difficult to begin with. However, with the support of the staff at Apax I learnt how to start setting goals that would eventually help to move out of supported housing and live on my own. The first thing that I started doing was cooking for myself. Then I started getting into routine by volunteering. The next step that I took was to start budgeting my money. This was especially important since I was asked to move on. Eventually, I was nominated for a council flat and all that saving helped me furnish my flat. I am now living on my own with my new-born son. Thank you to everyone at Apax!


I am now very strong and feels confident. I am working and living independently in my own one-bedroom Council tenancy. My words are not enough to share the amazing support Apax gave me during those difficult period to transit me to where I am today. The staffs are super supportive and amazing and I am eternally grateful to Apax.


We all want a “safe forever home” and that’s exactly what the independent move on scheme helps you achieve. My time and support whilst at Apax made sure I was well prepared and now I’m enjoying the many benefits of living independently. Apax is a great place to learn and practice how to be a good resident but despite all the great things about Apax, it isn’t a home for life. Having your own tenancy with the council or a housing association gives you that secure lifetime tenancy and a place to truly call home. I’m really grateful to all the staff at Apax for their continued and unwavering kindness and support and ultimately helping me achieve a permanent place to call home.


It has been a wonderful journey with Apax. I am so satisfied with the support to help prevent 8 years without going into hospital. I thought I would never be able to move out from supported but here I am with my own two-bedroom apartment and a large field for BBQ with my son. At first, I thought Apax was given me false hope of a move-on plan but I now know patience is all I needed. The eight-week course for move-on was phenomenal in preparing me towards independent living and I am so grateful for the opportunity. I say to all the residents at Apax that be patient because the staff do really work hard for our independence. I am ever so grateful and happy at my advancement to gain my independence! I wish all the residents hope, patience and understanding.

Our Awards & Accolades

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